Habits & Lifestyle

Your guide to cultivating a balanced digital life. We dive into the routines and habits that help individuals and families maintain control over technology use. Each episode offers actionable strategies to integrate screen time mindfully, making space for healthier, more fulfilling daily routines that prioritize well-being.

S12 Episode 9: Parent Tech Support - Here’s Where to Get It! // Jack Hughes
March 12, 2025
Jack Hughes is an expert in talking to parents about tech support because he has literally grown up in this digital age. As the president of Parent Tech Support, an organization whose mission is to help parents protect their kids online. He does that by providing free, straightforward content that educates parents. By using videos and establishing a personal connection, he can help parents set up parental controls and provide support. In today’s episode, he shares informative tips and provides explanations for all of us who are trying to figure it out.
S12 Episode 7: Silicon Valley’s Secret Sauce // Richard Freed, PhD
February 26, 2025
Richard Freed is a psychologist and author of the new book "Better Than Real Life: How Silicon Valley's Secret Science of Persuasive Design Is Stealing Childhood." Dr. Freed has devoted his career to revealing how Silicon Valley industry is using psychology—a discipline that we associate with healing—as a weapon against kids in order to pull them online and keep them there. This is achieved through the virtually unknown science of persuasive design, which is concealed in social media, video games, and online video. Freed believes that the knowledge of persuasive design should no longer be the domain of a handful of tech elite but should be put in the hands of all parents and others who care for kids. In this episode we talk about this and the 2 things kids need most to grow and succeed.
S11 Episode 13: Screen Balanced Holiday Tips and a Few Blunders
November 20, 2024
"The gift of devices is truly not one that keeps on giving. It's one that keeps on taking. It takes free time. It takes (away individual) agency, it takes the place of conversations." ~ Hillary Wilkinson
S11 Episode 11: Getting the Dirt on Skinfluencers // Kimberly Grustas
November 15, 2024
Tweens and teens are flooding beauty counters after watching skinfluencer skin care regimens and make up tutorials. With over 15 years in the natural product and nutrition industries, Kimberly Grustas has an advanced knowledge of the dangers of even trace levels of estrogenic chemicals during the delicate transformation from girlhood to adult, AKA: puberty. On this episode, we talk about skinfluencers, young girls and best skincare practices.
S11 Episode 10: What Can I Do To Affect My Kid’s Screen Use? // Jason Nagata, M.D., M. Sc.
October 30, 2024
As parents play key roles during childhood and adolescence, child, parent relationships, parenting styles and home environments have been identified as factors that may contribute to children's screen use patterns. Listen as the lead author/researcher, Jason Natata M.D., M.Sc.,, of an article titled, Associations Between Media Parenting Practices and Early Adolescent Screen Use published in a recent article in the Journal of Pediatric Research explains how parents' tech use can affect their kids' use of tech. It’s very interesting and incredibly important. Listen today!
S11 Episode 8: The Unplugged Hours // Hannah Brencher
October 16, 2024
The UnPlugged Hours is the story of one woman’s journey to creativity, self and family. After recognizing how much tech was affecting her creative process and stripping her imagination, Hannah Brencher committed to intentionally taking a 1,000 hour break from technology. She did not intend to write this book - her process started as a commitment for self-improvement and became so much more. Hannah is a writer, TED speaker, and entrepreneur. Named as one of the White House’s “Women Working to Do Good,” she works to encourage tech-less connection and creativity. Listen now!
S11 Episode 6: “KLIKD” on Connection // Pam Tudin
October 2, 2024
Pam Tudin is very familiar with the struggles and triumphs of the human condition as a clinical and forensic psychologist. She's an international speaker on all matters teen and tween and the co-founder of KLIKD, an organization committed to providing, can-do solutions for families to use social media happily, safely, and responsibly. In this episode we talk about the importance of being the soft place for your child to land when they make an online mistake and so much more. Listen today!
S11 Episode 5:  Healthy Screen Habits Workbook for Tweens & Teens // Amy Adams & Jeannie Sprague
September 25, 2024
Just as you wouldn't let a new driver take the wheel of a car without proper training, using smartphones requires instruction. Healthy Screen Habits now has a workbook designed for tweens and teens to help them navigate the rules of the road for smartphone use. Healthy Screen Habits Workbook for Tweens and Teens is what we, the founding members of Healthy Screen Habits, wish we had when our oldest kids were getting their first devices. Learn all about it when you listen to this week’s podcast with the authors: Amy Adams and Jeannie Ondelacy Sprague.
S11 Episode 3: Screens Away, Time to Play! // Kailan Carr, M.Ed
September 11, 2024
Screens Away, Time to Play! Is the picture book that belongs in every waiting room, classroom, and teacher library. Written by Kailan Carr M.Ed, this book has hidden pictures, invitations for offline play and teaches kids about the brain science behind persuasive design. Written in a fun rhyme scheme with engaging illustrations it is truly the book that is needed by all. Listen to this episode for information about the science behind the book as well as how play builds brains.
S11 Episode 1: ReConnect On College Campuses // Sean Killingsworth
August 28, 2024
Recognizing that being on social media felt like an unwanted requirement for him to socialize as a teen and young adult, Sean Killingsworth created: Reconnect Movement. Looking to combat what Killingsworth calls the “social wasteland” created by a generation’s overuse of tech, ReConnect Movement builds in-person communities to detox from distractions, make friends, and just hang out. Reconnect Movement serves to provide offline balance for those who don't want to be on social media.
S10 Episode 9: Recipe For Summer Fun // Hillary Wilkinson, M Ed
June 26, 2024
Get your summer kicked off right and remain screen intentional by setting clear boundaries around technology and brainstorming lots of fun! In this week’s episode Hillary shares the Healthy Screen Habit free tool she has used to put kids in charge and keep summer tech-intentional.
S10 Episode 8: Get Inspired to Head Outside! // Jean Rystrom
June 19, 2024
Playing outside is so much more than physical activity. Some of the many benefits include fitness, vitamin D and sleep. Being in nature also enhances focus and attention, it improves problem solving, reduces stress, increases empathy, improves mood. The influence of nature is dramatic and pervasive for all of us. There was a study that said that hospital patients, who have views of greenery outside their windows have shorter stays and fewer complications. Reducing screen time, increasing time in nature has the potential to change lives. Listen to Jean Rystrom of the Screen Time Action Network introduce an amazing and FREE resource: The Children & Family Inspiration Guide. It’s got everything you need to encourage your kids to get offline and outside. Listen today!
S10 Episode 7: Opting Out- Giving Your Kids What Technology Can’t // Erin Loechner
June 12, 2024
Erin Loechner is a former social media influencer who walked away from a million fans to live a low-tech lifestyle and is now teaching others how to do the same! As the founder of the global tech-free movement The Opt-Out Family, Erin has authored The Opt Out Family - How To Give Your Kids What Technology Can't. This book is written in a way that is part guide, part interactive and best of all it’s written in Erin’s friendly encouraging voice. In this episode we talk about how to talk to schools, coaches and other parents, set intention in your home and so much more. Listen today!
S10 Episode 4: ReSet Summer Camp // Michael Jacobus
May 24, 2024
Michael Jacobus figured out how to get more magical summer camp days out of his life by combining his knowledge of digital wellness with his experiences as a camp director for over 40 years. In the summer of 2018, he started the world's first clinical summer camp program for teens and adolescents suffering from unhealthy screen time, social media use, and gaming addiction. Reset Summer Camp is a camp for digital detox and life skills. Michael’s book: UnHappy Campers is a great read and a fantastic resource for families who want to implement more structure around tech in their home. In this episode we discuss the book, the camp and the ReSet app Listen today!
S10 Episode 3: Is UK’s Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) Working? // Kris Perry
May 14, 2024
On March 28th of this year, Children and Screens, Institute of Digital Media and Child Development announced the release of a landmark report unveiling the significant impacts of the UK's Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) on digital platforms. The Institute's review identified an unprecedented wave of 91 changes made across leading social media and digital platforms. Find out what they are when you listen to this episode Listen now!
S10 Episode 2:  The Mom Therapist Talks Tech // Tessa Stuckey, LPC
May 9, 2024
Tessa Stuckey, AKA:The Mom Therapist, works with families navigating the digital, tech-filled world that our kids are growing up in. Tessa takes on today’s negative cultural effects on our kids’ mental health from the perspective of a therapist but with the heart of a caring mother. In this episode we talk about creating a healthier and positive lifestyle for the whole family through anxiety management, understanding online harms, necessary limits of screen use, and the need for healthy connection. Listen now!
S10 Episode 1: Screen Strong and Growing // Melanie Hempe, BSN
May 2, 2024
After her oldest son dropped out of college due to his video game addiction, Melanie Hempe put her nursing degree to good use and founded Screen Strong,@bescreenstrong a nonprofit that empowers families to prevent screen problems and reclaim their kids from toxic screens. Listen to this episode and learn how your family can stop fighting over screens, kids can gain more life skills and everyone can benefit!
S9 Episode 10: Help! Which Podcast Should I Listen To? // Andi Smiley
April 11, 2024
You know that zombie trance that your kids get when watching Cocomelon or other fast paced “kid shows”? Do you ever experience the epic meltdowns that come with the phrase “turn it off”? Well - I’ve got great news. You can avoid these by using kid podcasts to buy yourself 30 minutes for dinner prep/making the needed phone calls/car rides instead! Andi Smiley, the host of The Friendly Podcast Guide @friendlypodcastguide, is awesome!! She created a podcast that helps moms find podcasts for themselves and for their kids. No more zombies!! Build strong imagination muscles by exposing your kids to some of the great kid podcasts out there.
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