Nature & Technology Connections

Explore the balance between screen time and outdoor experiences. This series highlights the importance of reconnecting with nature in an increasingly digital world. Learn how to integrate nature into your life, using tech as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, outdoor activities.

S11 Episode 1: ReConnect On College Campuses // Sean Killingsworth
August 28, 2024
Recognizing that being on social media felt like an unwanted requirement for him to socialize as a teen and young adult, Sean Killingsworth created: Reconnect Movement. Looking to combat what Killingsworth calls the “social wasteland” created by a generation’s overuse of tech, ReConnect Movement builds in-person communities to detox from distractions, make friends, and just hang out. Reconnect Movement serves to provide offline balance for those who don't want to be on social media.
S10 Episode 9: Recipe For Summer Fun // Hillary Wilkinson, M Ed
June 26, 2024
Get your summer kicked off right and remain screen intentional by setting clear boundaries around technology and brainstorming lots of fun! In this week’s episode Hillary shares the Healthy Screen Habit free tool she has used to put kids in charge and keep summer tech-intentional.
S10 Episode 8: Get Inspired to Head Outside! // Jean Rystrom
June 19, 2024
Playing outside is so much more than physical activity. Some of the many benefits include fitness, vitamin D and sleep. Being in nature also enhances focus and attention, it improves problem solving, reduces stress, increases empathy, improves mood. The influence of nature is dramatic and pervasive for all of us. There was a study that said that hospital patients, who have views of greenery outside their windows have shorter stays and fewer complications. Reducing screen time, increasing time in nature has the potential to change lives. Listen to Jean Rystrom of the Screen Time Action Network introduce an amazing and FREE resource: The Children & Family Inspiration Guide. It’s got everything you need to encourage your kids to get offline and outside. Listen today!
S10 Episode 7: Opting Out- Giving Your Kids What Technology Can’t // Erin Loechner
June 12, 2024
Erin Loechner is a former social media influencer who walked away from a million fans to live a low-tech lifestyle and is now teaching others how to do the same! As the founder of the global tech-free movement The Opt-Out Family, Erin has authored The Opt Out Family - How To Give Your Kids What Technology Can't. This book is written in a way that is part guide, part interactive and best of all it’s written in Erin’s friendly encouraging voice. In this episode we talk about how to talk to schools, coaches and other parents, set intention in your home and so much more. Listen today!
S10 Episode 5: Managing Tech With the Best Mom Ideas // Autumn McKay
May 29, 2024
Autumn McKay is a childhood educator, author and parent, she has navigated the challenges of screen time management with her own kids and faced the very familiar scenario of dealing with tech tantrums and the “10 more minutes” meltdowns. In short, she's one of us! She's in the trenches. In this episode we talk about steps to take in early child development to foster lifelong success. Listen today!
S10 Episode 4: ReSet Summer Camp // Michael Jacobus
May 24, 2024
Michael Jacobus figured out how to get more magical summer camp days out of his life by combining his knowledge of digital wellness with his experiences as a camp director for over 40 years. In the summer of 2018, he started the world's first clinical summer camp program for teens and adolescents suffering from unhealthy screen time, social media use, and gaming addiction. Reset Summer Camp is a camp for digital detox and life skills. Michael’s book: UnHappy Campers is a great read and a fantastic resource for families who want to implement more structure around tech in their home. In this episode we discuss the book, the camp and the ReSet app Listen today!
S9 Episode 5: Got FOMO? Try JOMO! // Christina Cook
March 6, 2024
Christina Crook is a pioneer and leading voice in digital well-being.The award-winning author of The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World, harbinger of the global #JOMO movement, and Good Burdens: How to Live Joyfully in a Digital Age, Christina shares her insights about technology and our daily lives. Listen and learn about living joyfully, managing tech and more!
S7 Episode 9: Summertime Screens
June 14, 2023
Get your summer kicked off right and remain screen intentional by setting clear boundaries around screen time and scheduling lots of fun! In this week’s episode Hillary shares personal plans and experiences she has used to keep summers tech-intentional.
S6 Episode 7: Teaching Our Kids to Play Independently....Without the IPad! // Sarah Szuminski
February 22, 2023
Sarah Szuminski runs the wonderfully fun and helpful Instagram channel and website called Simplifying Play. She is a wife, mom of two, and an advocate of play for all children. Sarah is passionate about the power of play and helping parents discover their role in playful learning. She advocates “less for more” when it comes to toy management and organization. Keeping it simple will result in longer periods of independent play and deeper learning. Listen to this episode for tips on simplifying play, life, and enjoying the results.
S4 Episode 10: Summertime Healthy Screen Habits & Hacks // Healthy Screen Habits Board
June 8, 2022
Summer is barreling down on us and while some are ready for the lazy mornings and unscheduled days, others are already starting to agitate over how to navigate these coming weeks without succumbing to the allure and ease of too much screen time. This week we get the full collective knowledge of the moms of Healthy Screen Habits– Amy Adams, Jeannie Ondelacy Sprague, Julianna Lorenzen, and me, Hillary Wilkinson– to share our tips, tricks and hacks on how to have a balanced summer with tech.
S4 Episode 8: FREE - Adventure, Travel, and Learning Using Tech! // Jesse Hildebrand of Exploring By
May 26, 2022
Jesse Hildebrand is the VP of Education at Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants, an organization committed to bringing exploration, travel, and adventure into your home and classroom! With live opportunities to talk to astronauts, Arctic explorers, and more, Jesse is at the forefront of bridging offline experiences and online learning and it’s all FREE! Listen and learn more!
S4 Episode 5: Balancing Screentime With Greentime For Good Mental Health // Sandi Schwartz of Ecohap
May 4, 2022
Sandi Schwartz is the founder and director of the Ecohappiness Project, author of the parenting book “Finding Ecohappiness: Fun Nature Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Calmer,” and journalist specializing in parenting, environmental, and wellness topics. Her mission is to inspire and educate families to build a nature habit to feel happier and calmer. In this episode, we discuss how to create a nature habit and support a healthy balance of screentime and greentime.
S4 Episode 3: ReSet Summer Camp - A Digital Detox Experience // Michael Jacobus of ReSet Summer Camp
April 20, 2022
As a lifelong camper and career Summer Camp Director, Michael Jacobus observed that summer camp was changing. The majority of campers arrived GLUED to their phones. The RESET program is a complete detox from all screen-based electronic devices and the establishment of a set schedule, getting enough sleep, healthy eating habits and basically RESETTING your teen to a place of health and harmony.
S4 Episode 1: Bridging Online Interest with Outdoor Activities! // Hillary Wilkinson, Podcast Host
April 6, 2022
We're back after a few weeks of spring break. We hope you've been enjoying the seasonal changes-- the fresh green leaves... the flowers in tiny blooms of pinks, whites, and yellows... the grass springing back to life... And if you've been taking notice then you're right on track with the subject that we'll be focusing on during Season 4 of the Healthy Screen Habits podcast. Listen to Hillary Wilkinson describe what's in store.
Episode 6: Technology, Autism, & The Outdoor Scientist // Dr. Temple Grandin
May 5, 2021
Temple Grandin has the distinction of being named one of Time Magazine's most 100 influential people as well as an author, educator, and inventor. Her life’s work of understanding her own autistic mind and sharing that with the world has led her to a uniquely qualified position in which to explore technology, autism, and behavior. In this episode we explore things all families can do, both on and offline, to provide educational, enriching experiences. Temple discusses personal experiences with video gaming, lessons from her childhood surrounding engagement with others, and shares a pandemic plumbing frustration.
Episode 4: Lions & Tigers & Neurotransmitters, Oh My! // Dr. James F. Peddie, DVM
April 21, 2021
In this episode, we explore parallel behaviors affected by the neurotransmitters cortisol and dopamine. In animals, we see behaviors that result from these two neurotransmitters being released during moments of stress and anticipation, and in humans, those same behaviors are also seen but as a result of those biochemicals being released during technology overuse. The evidence is clear that we won't be able to just reason our way out of these biochemicals in our brains. These biological blueprints are here to stay. Understanding what triggers these neurotransmitters can be helpful in deciding how much time you want to spend on screens.

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