Pornography & How To Talk About It

Compassionate, informative conversations discussing the sensitive issue of online pornography. With insights from therapists, parents, and those with lived experiences, this series offers guidance on how to approach conversations about pornography, focusing on education, prevention, and recovery.

S11 Episode 2: Sex Education Using a Porn Critical Lens // Dr Mandy Sanchez
04 Sep, 2024
When I get questions about how today's youth is being affected by pornography, I have a few resources I like to recommend. At the very top of this list is Culture Reframed. Formed in 2015, Culture Reframed is the premier science-based global organization of scholars, professionals, and activists addressing the harms of pornography to youth. Today we get to learn about the latest free resource in their curriculum: Porn Critical Sex Education. Listen today!
S8 Episode 5: Talking About Porn With The Best // Gail Dines, Culture Reframed
11 Oct, 2023
Dr. Gail Dines has been researching and writing about the harms of pornography for over 30 years. Using scientific studies and data as the backbone to her organization; Culture Reframed, Gail explores behavioral and mental problems that arise with early/ongoing exposure to pornography. On this episode, Gail shares parenting tips on how to talk about pornography with children and shares resources to combat this huge public health crisis.
S7 Episode 3: Standing Guard Against Grooming and Online Sexual Predators // Kimberley Perry, MAT
03 May, 2023
Teaching body boundaries and online safety is what We Stand Guard does best. We Stand Guard is a training program designed to educate everyone about preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation in all its forms, whether that be physical or non-physical contact abuse. Kimberly Perry is the brains behind the program. Author and elementary school educator, with over 15 years experience working with children across the country, Kimberly has a master of arts and teaching and has taught boundaries and personal safety to over 1000 elementary school students. In this episode she teaches us about body boundaries and online safety for kids
S7 Episode 2: An LDS Woman's Struggle With Porn // Madi
27 Apr, 2023
Madi is an 18 year old girl who is passionately spreading awareness about LDS women struggling with pornography. As a young woman growing up, developing a bad habit of porn consumption, and living as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as LDS, Madi felt shame and loneliness. Part of her healing came through consulting members of her faith. She hopes to help others find their own path forward and develop new, healthy screen habits. In this episode we talk about her path to recovery, various approaches to stop viewing porn, as well as an on-campus organization seeking to help others connect.
S4 Episode 7: Talking About Teens and Sexting //  Sean Clifford of Canopy
18 May, 2022
Sean Clifford is the founder of Canopy, an organization committed to empowering families to enjoy a customized and healthy internet experience. On this episode we speak specifically about how to talk to kids about sexting and pornography.
S3 Episode 9: Slaying Digital Dragons // Alex J. Packer Ph.D.
03 Mar, 2022
Teens are under assault with a constant barrage of digital media, notifications, and social stress. Help your kids learn how to tame their tech and slay their digital dragons by implementing 3 R’s introduced by Dr. Alex J Packer in today’s episode.
S3 Episode 8: Help! My Child is Watching Porn! // Marilyn Evans of Parents Aware
23 Feb, 2022
What should we do if we find out our child has been viewing pornography? Marilyn Evans is committed to helping parents understand their unique role in preparing children and teens against online harms surrounding pornography and exploitation. In this episode we discuss how to have age appropriate talks about porn.
S2 Episode 4: A Girl’s Journey Through Porn Addiction // Ashlee Ayre
15 Sep, 2021
At 11 years old, Ashlee Ayre discovered pornography. She shares her journey through the process of addiction and recovery in the hope that it might help others. Ashlee’s mission is to help parents understand that screen and pornography addiction can happen to anyone.
S2 Episode 3: How to Talk About Pornography // Dr. Gail Dines of Culture Reframed
08 Sep, 2021
Dr. Gail Dines has been researching and writing about the harms of pornography for over 30 years. Using scientific studies and data as the backbone to her organization; Culture Reframed, Gail explores behavioral and mental problems that arise with early/ongoing exposure to pornography. On this episode, Gail shares parenting tips on how to talk about pornography with children and shares resources to combat this huge public health crisis.
Episode 8: Being Your Child’s Digital Coach // Chris McKenna from Protect Young Eyes
19 May, 2021
Chris McKenna is the founder and CEO of Protect Young Eyes, an organization committed to helping families, schools and churches create safer digital spaces. He employs a 4 layer method to controlling digital access and encourages all families to have multiple conversations surrounding pornography and internet overuse. In this episode, Chris discusses the benefits of becoming your child’s digital coach and chooses his favorite candy.
Episode 2: Straight from the Teen's Mouth // Smith Alley from Live Life Bigger Foundation
07 Apr, 2021
Smith Alley is a rising star in the area of tech safety and digital awareness. At age 17 he has already battled social media & early exposure to pornography, recognized a growing need in society for teen advocacy, and testified in Utah state legislature. He is a leader in promoting “real-life living” and enjoying every moment. Smith offers perspective on what it is like to be a teen growing up in today’s world and encourages us all to “Live Life Bigger”.

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